Monday, 20 April 2009

Ten Commandments of eLearning

Frequently when I talk to colleagues about eLearning they say something like 'I set up a bulletin board/blog/wiki etc but the students didn't use it'. My response to them is always the same: that the problem is more likely to be with their design rather than with their students. Over the years I've learned a lot of things about what good design really means and I've grouped them all together into a Ten Commandents of eLearning. This is not intended to be blasphemous or disrespectful but rather is inspired by the Christian commandments in that all they're doing is presenting a set of basic principles to work to. Like the original ten commandments, with these the first is the most important. I hope you find them useful.

1 Put the pedagogy (not the technology) first
Think about what students need to learn then think about how it is best for them to learn it. Only then think about which technology is best used to accomplish this.
Don’t be too ambitious. Start out small (eg. just a discussion board or a group blog) and build on this in subsequent years.

2 Be aware of workloads and work patterns (yours and theirs)
Replace (don’t augment) other teaching and learning activities with eLearning
Consider how much reading and writing they are required to do each week. Use groups to limit/manage this.
Consider how much reading and writing you’ll be required to do each week to moderate their activity. Design and structure the activities to manage this. Develop/harness peer learning opportunities - these should strengthen over the duration of the module and your workload should decrease accordingly as students take on more of the load.
Avoid activities where students rely on colleagues to complete work before they can complete theirs so that students who meet deadlines or want to work ahead aren’t penalised or held back by those who don’t.
Limit the number of synchronous activities or make them voluntary. Record them so that those unable to attend can access them at a later date.
Remember: lurking (reading without contributing) can be a valuable learning activity.

3 Balance risks with safety
We want students to take intellectual risks but they need to feel safe in order to do so. The eLearning environment needs to be a safe place to be. Going online can feel very ‘risky’ in itself to many people – so make the first few activities ‘familiar’ and ‘safe’ such as introductions, reflection etc. In other words, bear in mind ‘social’ risks as well as intellectual ‘risks’. Make sure there is a welcome for students ready for them when they first log on and that the first thing they need to do or place they need to go to is clearly marked at the outset.

4 Balance obligations with rewards
By all means use compulsory elements to oblige students to participate (assessed elements, attendance requirements, deadlines etc).
But make sure these are balanced with elements that make participation worthwhile and beneficial for them in terms of their learning needs. Carrots are much more effective in eLearning than sticks.

5 Make ethics a priority
Don’t give anyone access to the site who doesn’t have to be there. Inform students about who has access, why they are there and what they have access to. Let them know if/how they are being surveilled. Never display or reuse student contributions or work without their consent and release.

6 Model good practice
Write your contributions in a way that you would like your students to write them (i.e. concise, well paragraphed, proof read, formal/informal etc)
Be online when you say you’ll be and do what you’ll say you’ll do (no more no less)
Keep and use your sense of humour. Always observe appropriate netiquette and make sure that students do also.

7 Make expectations clear
Establish clearly what are the minimum expectations you have of them.
Establish clearly what are the maximum expectations they can have of you.
Ensure the module works in the space between these two.

8 Establish patterns and stick to them
Build spaces and use them consistently (always put the same sorts of things in the same places so they are easy to find, use colour coding to differentiate different types of documents etc). Don’t move things around unless you have to. If you form students into groups don’t alter them for the duration of the module unless you have to.
Establish learning patterns or cycles (eg Explore, Describe, Apply) that students work through routinely (eg weekly or fortnightly).

9 Keep spaces available for students to use and shape to their own needs
Allowing students to control and customise the learning environment is a useful and important way of empowering them and allowing them to take ownership of it the space. This can be something as simple as a ‘notes’ or ‘general discussion’ forum on the discussion board or as complicated as a wiki space where students can collaborate on writing documents or set up URLs to share.

10 Use/develop protocols
Protocols are helpful for all students, not just those with low experience or confidence using online spaces. Use protocols for such things as for saving and uploading documents, assessment etc., for using a chat space, for formatting reader-friendly posts, for using blogs. Don’t reinvent the wheel – someone else may have already created and tested one.

This post is available in a Spanish translation (with thanks to Natalia Martínez Díaz) at:

Este se encuentra disponible en una traducción en español (gracias a Natalia Martínez Díaz)

See other blog posts which have responded to these commandments or developed their own:

Clive Shepherd:

Abjikit Kadle

Robert Kennedy (and his followers)


  1. Great post Cath! I followed this up with my own post at (referencing you of course :-). I think it definitely is important to have some best practices parameters. While some of the 'bugs' were still being worked out re: online learning in the early part of the decade, having some of these thoughts at hand would definitely have been a plus in my own online classroom experience. Again, great thoughts and WELCOME to the world of blogging :-).

  2. This is a great post that I would like to share with my colleagues on the VLE in our eLearning Forum a place to discuss teaching aids and resources. I've added you to my blog list! ****

  3. Kia ora Cath

    Thank you for this list. I wonder about point 2.

    You bring forward the idea that it's not so good to augment. I have a different perspective in working with distance students who often actually prefer other technologies (than elearning). For them the elearning platform is useful, however, and in particular the aspects that the digital media is most useful for can be introduced to the learner.

    I prefer to use the term enhance, rather than augment.

    I'm thinking of vids and complex overlays or animations here - aspects that are perhaps much more difficult to do in print-based technology, say, which for many learners is the preferred option - learner centred being applied here.

    There are some instances where it is often far better to do as you say and replace a perhaps poor and far less effective print-based instruction.

    There are often at least two advantages of using the elearning technology this blended way, but a third is that it can actually introduce the reluctant elearner to the advantages of elearning. I have many personal examples in my own students where this happened, where the learners actually end up being exemplary elearners!

    Also part of my perspective is that I am aware that not all learners are into elearning and some actually prefer not to. Don't take me the wrong way here. I am all for elearning, for it is my preferred method of teaching.

    Catchya later

  4. This is a really useful list Cath!

  5. Thanks for the comments everyone.

    To clarify Ken, my second point about replacing rather than augmenting is specifically related to workload. I've seen a lot of colleagues add an elearning component to their predominantly face-to-face module just to find themselves crumbling under the extra workload. My suggestion is to replace some aspect of face-to-face teaching with an elearning element (a discussion board, blog etc) rather than adding something extra on top.

  6. Great post, Cath! I referenced it on my blog:

  7. This is a brilliant list, thanks! They're all important, but for me, number 1 is central: you can't use technology well unless you know what you're doing with it pedagogically. Modelling good behaviour (6) and establishing expectations (7) are very important too.

  8. Wow, this is REALLY helpful. I work for a company and we create elearning for electrical apprentices. While our system works well, we're always looking to improve and develop our system! These tips are great- even to just put into the words some of our philsophies!

    Thanks again!

  9. These are amazingly helpful! Thanks!
    I'm in the process of working with my school to develop a better framework for eLearning. This is a fabulous discussion starter.

    Thanks again.


  10. Hi Cath, very helpful post. Would you allow me to reproduce this ( with your name ) to help others that create eLearning content? One of my projects is which is being built around my software at .
    You can eMail me at Mark.M @

  11. Hi Cath, Thanks for a really useful post. I am starting to teach an online facilitation course for NCSL this morning so I'm sending them in this direction immediately!

  12. Gosh, this is a great first blog post. I think you set very high standards.
    When you say "use colour coding to differentiate different types of documents", if you are using Blackboard how is this possible? It is a bit pf a problem on our setup at least that things tend to look the same.
    Anne Marie

  13. I saw your post on BJ Schone's blog. Great article! Your readers might also be interested in this article: “10 Instructional Design Tips for e-Learning Development” which provides some additional tips for those who are interested in instructional design and e-Learning design. The article is located at Check it out!

  14. Great stuff! G'day from Australia!

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  75. In order to get in touch with them, you must not forget that you have to give them a call to QuickBooks Support Phone Number. Call us at +1888-396-0208 and we are available 24/7 for your help.

  76. QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number can be dialed by QuickBooks users irrespective of the limit of time and location. Whenever something is wrong with the QuickBooks Payroll accounting software program from Intuit or it is not producing the desired output, technical support is always available.

  77. Looking for some help Dial at +1-888-396-0208 QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number QuickBooks Point of Sale is a very strong and unique program, which empowers the users and make able to control and manage all kind of activities such as customers, sales, inventory any other queries.

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  79. QuickBooks Payroll Desktop Support Number for tremendous backing. QuickBooks is one of the phenomenal brands in the present scenario which has developed a perfect benchmark by delivering the best quality class services to all the users in the business domain. Call us on 1888-567-1159 .


  80. Were you just searching for QuickBooks Support Phone Number ?QuickBooks Support Phone Numberis all about getting the best help from QuickBooks Technical Support. This is a Toll Free Number 1888-567-1159. It is 24/7 Support Number. QuickBooks Customer Service gives the Excellent Tech Support. Best QB Experts are here to solve your issues. Call on our Helpline Number.

  81. QuickBooks Has Stopped Working An issue has caused quickbooks to stop working precisely. windows will close the program and let you know whether an answer is available.Dial +1888-396-0208 for ace remote specialized support cause or snap to know the ways to deal with physically settle the issue.

  82. We are available 24/7 with our U.S. based experts and QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number +1-888-396-0208. Ask your questions for Accounting, payroll, payments, inventory, reporting. Contact our support team anytime to get the technical help you need.

  83. QuickBooks Error 3371 Status code 11118 error messages mainly occurs during program installation, while an Intuit Inc.-related software program (eg. QuickBooks Pro) is running, during the installation of the Windows operating system or during Windows startup or shutdown.

  84. QuickBooks Support accessible day in and day out by dialing our QuickBooks Payroll Canada Support Phone Number 1888-567-1159 to determine QuickBooks blunders and get Instant QuickBooks Support.

  85. Here is the 24*7 Support for your Quickbooks. Welcome To QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number 1888-396-0208. QuickBooks Toll-Free Phone Number is intended to provide the technical support and services to maintain your account related to QuickBooks. Contact Quickbooks Phone Number is a technical support number to help its customer. Get in Touch with us.

  86. QuickBooks accounting software program is designed to support the accounting functionalities of small businesses of all sectors. This software is a one stop source that manages all your business accounting and financial tasks from a single device remotely on the go with stable internet connectivity. Manage your Business activities at Number 1888-396-0208. Dial our Toll free number to take the Help from our Certified Technicians.

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  88. That was a great read. I really like your writing style and how you explain certain things. I will be back to read more from you.We also provide Technical Support for QuickBooks Payroll , if you face any problem with your QuickBooks Payroll you can just click here.

  89. The QuickBooks ProAdvisor Technical Support are Intuit certified and hold a thorough knowledge not only about QuickBooks accounting software but also resolve all sorts of error related to the software. These professionals are intensively trained and extensively experienced in error resolution.

  90. The reviews of QuickBooks POS Support Desktop 12.0 have been good for its ease, functionality and product quality. But it lacks somehow on the customer support services provided. WizXpert value both your time and money and is dedicated to give you relevant and quick solution. We first understand your specific problem that yo are facing and provide you best solution, services, and maintenance for accounts. You only need to dial our toll-free QuickBooks pos support phone number +1-888-396-0208.

  91. Are you looking to QuickBooks Upgrade 2018 ?If you are seeking some help to upgrade your Older QuickBooks Version to a latest one you can dial our number 1888-567-1159 and a QuickBooks Expert will be on call to help you out. Upgrading your QuickBooks becomes essential as the older version of QuickBooks are not supported by Intuit .

  92. Quickbooks Enterprise Support Phone Number. Another reason for the popularity of the QuickBooks Enterprise is the support given to its users without any delay.Stay calm because we are here to help you on our toll free QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number 1888-396-0208. Our technicians has a lot of experience and they will help you to protect your data and make sure that your Quickbooks Enterprise will work smoothly .

  93. QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Phone Number. In addendum to all of the above, we also provide support for QB payroll, QB POS and can also guide you to install plugins that can add extra functionality to QB accounting software. Payroll can help you in seamlessly creating payroll for employees.

  94. Intuit QuickBooks Payroll for Mac has proven again and again that it is the best accounting software out there.Intuit certified Advisors for QuickBooks Mac Support. Customer Support makes you able to better understand Mac issues like an error of QuickBooks Error 100 series, backup error, troubleshooting error, installation errors or other errors. Your business accounting is ensured with the support of devoted and skillful 24×7 helpful network by giving remote access your Mac errors get resolve immediately QuickBooks Support for Mac. Rebooting your system sometimes is half solution to your problem it terminates system errors to solve any kind of error kindly call QB Mac Support now.

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  98. Upgrade to QuickBooks Tech 2018 now and experience the latest features including multi-monitor support, batch invoice processing, improved search option, mobile invoice process and more. Call Quickbook Tech Support Phone Number 1888-396-0208 anytime for QB Tech 2018 Setup, Installation and Updates.

  99. Unable to fix the problem and you still facing the problem regarding your company files opening or access from workstation or server? For that you should go straight to QuickBooks Support Phone Number 1888-396-0208 and ask for Intuit Data services the agent will help you in the process.

  100. Managing to account, calculating taxes and deduction are the most borings things to do in the world. And also, it could be the most time consuming and confusing. But if you own any business, and want to take your business to a new height, it could be the most important work for you to do.QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number.

  101. QuickBooks Payroll software offers numerous features to its users. It also gives the option to integrate with different versions of QuickBooks such as Online and Desktop. The users can reap the benefits from the features such as unlimited payroll, printable checks, free direct deposit, electronic tax filing, tax calculations and expert payroll support. The users can reach out to the QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1800-291-2485 if they face any issue regarding the use of QuickBooks.

  102. QuickBooks Enterprise Support 1800-291-2485. QuickBooks is most popular, advance, latest accounting management tools for small or medium enterprise all over the world. It can manage inventory, payroll, audit, financial transaction, tax calculation, balance sheet, pay the bill, crate pay slip, invoice.

  103. The QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number 1800-291-2485 has a component that would keep up every one of the clients stocks with each arrangement in transit. The module for stock stores cost subtle elements, division, delineation, estimations, shading, bargains, values, status, vender data, purchaser data, reorder focuses, ALU, and UPC. If there should arise an occurrence of disarray or issues, the QuickBooks Point of Sales Support phone numbercan be utilized to contact the master board at the QuickBooks client benefit.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. There are cases when you attempt to introduce QuickBooks on your PC running on Windows OS, the establishment of QB isn't ceased in the center. Nonetheless, in the event that you confront any issue identified with the procedure, or you require some additional assistance with some other QuickBooks related programming, you can connect with the QuickBooks Technical Support Team. You can call at their without toll number ?+-- to connect with one of their QuickBooks Enterprise Support Experts. This group is accessible round the clock for any sort of help for the QuickBooks client.

  106. Call us today at QuickBooks Support Phone Number for QuickBooks overhauls, refreshes, organization document repair and information recuperation administrations. 24 hours benefit conveyance ensured. QuickBooks Technical Support Call use for QuickBooks blunder determination and any sort of specialized help.

  107. QuickBooks is the best business mechanization devices utilized by a large number of private companies. It mechanizes the business bookkeeping and makes it simpler to oversee everyday bookkeeping errands. Breaking the customary hindrances of contracting experts and bookkeepers to work for a considerable length of time. Dial NUMBER 1800-291-2485 to get assistance from ensured Experts. QuickBooks has helped in sparing cash from contracting experts and made bookkeeping less demanding and quicker with only a couple of snaps. QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1800-291-2485 are here to help and guide you in understanding QuickBooks with the goal that you can utilize it in the most ideal way and deal with your accounts.

  108. When you reconfigure your desktop or activate your QuickBooks for the first time, you may encounter with the QuickBooks Error 3371 , Status Code 11118. This error can be a frustrating one for you, as it disallows you to open your QB file.You can understand it in a way that Intuit makes it compulsory to have license information stored on your hard drive. By any mean, if that information, file, or license data get corrupted, damaged or missing; you can encounter this error code.

  109. For small and medium-sized companies, QuickBooks accounting software is like complementary thing which always gives us pleasure. But you also know about technical software, sometimes you face technical errors while using it. Customers used to become clueless as what is the reason of this error and how to fix it? Here in this article, we discuss the solution of QuickBooks Error 1935 which can occur when installing QuickBooks or Microsoft .NET Framework.

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  110. The Quickbook Support Phone Number 1888-396-0208 has many certified technicians who are always ready to provide an instant solution irrespective of the type of problem you are facing. The Quickbooks Support has highly equipped technicians, who can handle all kinds of issues side by side, at the same time.

  111. Move up to QuickBooks Support 2018 now and experience the most recent highlights including multi-screen support, batch receipt preparing, enhanced inquiry choice, mobile receipt process and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Call Quickbook Support Phone Number whenever for QB Support 2018 Setup, Installation and Updates. Dial our toll free number anytime, We are here to help you 24/7.

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  115. To setup the email feature within QuickBooks When you choose Edit > Preferences > Send Forms > My Preferences, you may not see Outlook as an option for emailing from fix the issue call our Outlook Is Not An Option In QuickBooks Send Forms Preferences department and fix the issue by our technical expert team.

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